استضاف قسم اللغات
الحديثة في جامعة كاليفورنيا ( California State University,Domingues
Hills) في لوس أنجلوس في الولايات المتّحدة الأمريكيّة الأديبة
الأردنيّة ذات الأصول الفلسطينيّة د.سناء الشّعلان في محاضرة أدبيّة عن تجربتها
القصصيّة حيث قدّمت فيها شهادة إبداعيّة عن تجربتها القصصيّة حيث قدّمت فيها إضاءة
كاملة عن تجربتها في عالم القصّة والرّواية إذ قالت في معرضها :"القصّة في رأيي أهم كلمة في الوجود،إنّها لغز الحياة.كلّ ما
أنجزته في حياتي كان لصالح القصّة،أيّ شيء في حياتي بعيداً عن القصّة لا قيمة
له،أنا لا أجيد شيئاً مهمّاً غير القصّة.وبخلاف ذلك في حياتي سلسلة عظيمة من
الإخفاقات...ألم أقل لكم أنّ القصّة هي محور حياتي،وقصتي مع الإنجليزية هي واحدة
من قصصي،وأنا سيدة القصص،أحبّها وأشمّها وآكلها وأحلم بها وأحارب بها قبح العالم
وشروره وقسوته على البشر،أعرف أنّ القصة دائماًُ نبيلة وطاهرة،وأنّ البشر هم من
يفسدون جمالها،البشر الشريرون هم من يسرقون قصصنا الجميلة.
أمي كانت تسمينا سونا،ولهذا الاسم قصة
طويلة،المهم في الأمر أنّ العالم يصبح أرحب عندما تمسك"سونا"
بالقلم،وتبدأ بالكتابة،فتكتشف أنّ العالم كلّه مصنوع من مادة الحكاية،لذلك تفهم
العالم بمنطقها، وتتعامل معه وفق منطق الشّخوص والزّمان والمكان والعقدة والتأزم
والحلّ والرؤّية واللغة،كلّ شيء له حكاية،وهي تتقنها ،ولذلك تأخذ علامات كاملة في
كلّ المواد؛لأنّها مواد تجيد الحكايا،أمّا الرياضيات فتخفق فيه دائماً؛لأنّ
الأرقام لا تحبّ الحكايا،ولها منطق آخر لا تفهمه!
الطّفلة الصّغيرة(سونا) تحقّق كلّ ما تحلم به
بمنطق الحكاية،فتهب وتحرم وتنتقم وتعشق وتبكي وتضحك وتنسى وتتذكر وتمرض وتشفى
وتزور وتهجر بمنطق القصة،حتى أنّها تنتقم بالقصة؛فالذين تكرههم تحيك لهم حكايا
شريّرة،والذين تحبّهم تصنع لهم حكايات ذات سعيدة.
الحياة هزيمة كبرى،وهذه الحكاية الأولى التي
تعرفها تماماً،وكي تنتصر على كلّ الهزائم لا تنقطع تكتب الحكايا،من الهزيمة صنعت
أطواق النّجاة،ومن الموت صنعت بشراً لا يموتون. هي لا تملك غير الحكاية،تهبها
مجاناً لكلّ سائل أو حزين أو باحث عن طريق،تزرعها تحت مخدّتها،وتنام بعد أن تتعوّذ
بها من كلّ الشّر الذي لا يمكن أن يمسّ امرأة تتمترس خلف فضيلة الحكاية!
الذين لم يأتوا حقيقة استولدتهم(سونا) قهراً
في حكاية،الذين ماكان يجب أن يأتوا نفتهم إلى حكاية بعيدة جداً،عليها فقط أن تكتب
لتتغيّر كلّ أقدارها،فهذه حكايتها،امرأة تتحقّق حكاياتها،وأحياناً تهاجمها،وكثيراً
ما تعضّها! وغالباً ما تصيبها بصداع السّرد والتّفاصيل الصّغيرة التي تتقن أن
تجمعها بمهارة من كلّ مكان،وتدسّها بهدوء وتكتّم في جعبتها السّحرية! وتغادر بصخبٍ
وقد قدّم الشّعلان
لجمهور الحاضرين في المحاضرة كلّ من د.عدنان كاظم أستاذ اللّغة الإسبانيّة وآدابها
في جامعة آل البيت ود.بنيتو كيميز( BENITO
GOMEZ HILLS) أستاذ اللّغة الإسبانيّة في جامعة كاليفورنيا اللذين قدّما مادة
تفصيليّة عن أدب الشّعلان وسيرتها الإبداعيّة الأكاديميّة كما توقفا عند ملامح هذه
التّجربة وأهم خصائصها ومراحلها.
وقد قرأ بعض طلبة جامعة كاليفورنيا على جمهور
الحاضرين بعض قصص الشّعلان المترجمة إلى الإنجليزيّة،وهي قصص تعرض بجرأة تنميطات
الحبّ وأشكاله الذي يتجلّى في ثنائيات جدليّة متناقضة.كما أنّها قصص تدين بالكثير
لاستيلاد مفردات التّراث والفنتازيا والخرافات والأساطير والواقعيّة السّحريّة.
والقصص تجنح إلى طرح
الحزن والفراق والهزيمة والفشل قرينًا شبه دائم للحبّ،وكأنّه تجسيد للواقع الحياتي
المهزوم والمسحوق الذي يعيشه أبطال القصص،وتبقى القصص مفتوحة على التّأويل والتجير
والتفسير،فهل الحبّ هو علاقة خاصة لها محدّداتها الخاصة؟أم هو صورة اجتماعية من
صور المجتمع بكلّ ما في مشهده الإنساني من أحلام وأماني وتناقضات وأحزان وانكسارات
؟أم هو بحث عن صيغة جديدة للبحث عن الفردوس المفقود في هذه الحياة ؟
وقد اقترنت الشّهادة
الإبداعيّة للشّعلان مع حراك حواري كبير،إذ فتحت هذه الشّهادة باب النّقاش الطّويل
مع جمهور الحاضرين،وقد تطرّق هذا النّقاش إلى طرح ثيمات كثيرة في عوالم الإبداع
والواقع والحراك الإنساني والتّجاور الحضاري وخصوصيات المجتمع والإبداع والجندر
والذّات المبدعة وحساسيتها تجاه المجتمع والصّراع والواقع والأمنيات والمنشود
والأداة والتّكوين،كما تطرّق هذا الحوار كذلك إلى خصوصيّة الإبداع العربي والمبدع
العربي لاسيما في إزاء التّحديات والمعطيات المعاصرة في المشهد الحياتي والإبداعي.
ومن أجواء القصص التي قُرأت في هذه النّدوة
الحواريّة للشعلان :"حكاية الحكاية: الحكاية تريد أن تهرب من
التّسكع،وأن تركن إلى الخلود،جرّبت أن تسكن السّماء؛فغدت ربّاً وملائكة
ودعاء،فأصابها الملل من ذلك عندما اشتهت
الخطيئة،رحلت إلى الجسد والشّهوة فأنهكتها لعبتا الجوع والإشباع اللتان لا
ترتويان،صادقت القلوب فأحرقها الوجد،طاردت العقل فأعيها المنطق،صادقت القوة والمال
والجاه فخذلتها السّعادة، تنسّكت في الجبال فهزمتها شهوة حلمها الكبير في
الخلود،ثارت على نفسها،وانضمّت إلى صفوف الثّوار في كلّ مكان،وحالفت الرّفض أينما
حلّ في أنفس الشّرفاء،فأصبحت حكاية البشر الباحثين عن العدل،سطّرت فيها كلّ قصص من
نذروا أنفسهم للنّور والحقيقة،نسيت حلمها البائد بالخلود،وبات حلمها أن تصبح حكاية
كلّ من سرقوا حكايته،وكذلك كان".
Certificate of Creativity
for Sanaa shalan from the American University of California
Department of Modern languages at the university of California (California
State University, Domingues Hills in Los Angeles hosted the Jordanian writer of
Palestinian background Dr. Sanaa Shalan in a Literary lecture about her
experience in story writing. Dr. Shalan presented innovatory evidence about her
experience in story writing where she presented a full illumination about her
experience in the world of narrative. She said in her presentation:
“The Story” in
my opinion the most important word in existence and it is the life puzzle.
Everything I have done in my life was for the benefit of the story and anything
in my life away from the story is worthless. I am not good at anything
important other than the story, other than that my life is great series of
failures. Haven’t I told you that the story is the centre of my life? My story with the English language was one of
my stories. I am the chairwoman of stories. I love them, smell them, eat them,
dream about them and fight with them the ugliness of this world, its evils, and
its cruelty. I know that “The story” is always noble and pure but humans are
the ones who mar its beauty. The wicked people are the ones who steel our
beautiful stories.
My mother
used to call me “Suna” there s a long story behind this name, the import thing
is the world becomes bigger when “Suna” holds a pencil and starts to write. She
discovers that the whole world is made from the substance of the story. That’s
why she understands the world in its logic, and deals with it with the logic of
the characters, the time, the place, the climax, the crises, the solution and
the vision and the language. Everything has a story and she masters it. That’s
why she gets full marks in all subjects, because they are subjects which master
the narration. But it has always failed mathematics, because numbers don’t like
tales, and it has a rational which she doesn’t understand.
The little
girl “Suna” could realize all her dreams in the logic of narration. She can
give, deprive, avenge, love, cry, laugh, forget, remember, get sick, recover,
visit and abandon in the logic of the story, she even takes vengeance by the
story. She spins the ones she hates evil stories and tells the ones she loves
tales of happiness.
Life is a great defeat, this is the first
story which she knows well, and in order to triumph over all defeats she never
stops writing stories. She turned defeat into joy, and turns death into
immortal people. She has nothing other than narrating stories. She gives them
freely to every sad and requesting soul or anyone asking for direction. She
plants them under her pillow and sleeps after she reads talismans to keep the
evil away so it won’t befall on a woman hiding behind the virtue of the story
Those who
were not born, “Suna” brings them forcibly to life, those who shouldn’t have
been born, “Suna” sends them to far away stories. She only has to write to
change all her destinies and that’s her story. A woman whose tales are being
realized, sometimes they attack her and many times they bite her and often give
her the headache of narrative and little details which she masters to collect
them skillfully from everywhere and put them quietly and discretely in her
magic bag and leaves in postponed hustle.
Dr. shalan
was introduced to the audience by Dr. Adnan Kazem, professor of the Spanish
Language and its literature at the University of Al Al Bayt and Dr. Benito
Gomez Hills Professor of Spanish at the University of California, they both a
gave a detailed lecture about Dr. Shalan’s Literature and her academic and
creative pursuit. They stopped at the features of this experience and its major
characteristics and stages.
D. Benito Gomez has
said:" CSUDH had the honor to welcome Dr.
Sanaa Shalan of University of Jordan and Dr. Adnan Kadhim of Al al-Bayt
University to its campus this April. The reputed scholars came to participate
at the International Symposium of Hispanic Literature celebrated to commemorate
the 400th anniversary
of the publication of the second part of Miguel de Cervantes’ novel Don Quixote. This
conference was attended by panelists from all over the United States and twelve
other countries. Dr. Shalan presented a paper on Friday, April 17th, 2015
entitled “La influencia de Don Quijote en la novela El pésimo-optimista del novelista palestino Amil
Habibi” (The Influence of Don Quixote in the novel The Pessimist-Optimist of Palestinian novelist
Amil Habibi). The presentation versed about the conflictive nature of Habibi’s
narrative, torn between an initial disinterest in the Palestinian cause and his
later efforts, if fruitless, to reconnect with his native roots. The
presentation was well received, it raised interest in the audience and a lot of
questions by the fellow attendees. Dr. Shalan and Dr. Kadhim also made a
presentation on one of Dr. Benito Gomez’s classes about Dr. Shalan’s
literature. After the presentation the class engaged both Dr. Shalan and Dr.
Kadhim on a debate about Muslim literature, costumes, and culture. The exchange
was very productive and the students described the interaction very positively.
CSUDH is very thankful to Dr. Shalan and Dr. Kadhim for making the long trip to
Los Angeles to share with its community their cultural perspective.
from the University of California read to the audience some of Shalan’s stories
which were translated into English which boldly presents models and types of
love which can be manifested in controversial contradictory binaries, they were
also stories which present the terminology of tradition, fantasy, myth, legends
and the magical reality.
The stories
tend to portray sadness, separation, defeat and failure as almost always
identified with love, as if it was a picture of the defeated and crushed
reality which a reflection of their
experience in life. The stories remain open to guessing, expectations
and interpretations. Is love a special relationship which has its own requirements?
Or is it an aspect of the society with all the human scene of dreams, wishes,
contradictions, sadness and disappointments? Or is it a new formula to find the
lost paradise of this life?
certificate of creativity was associated with a big debate, as this certificate
opened the door for a long debate with the audience. The debate focused upon
many themes such as the world of creativity, reality, human movement, cultural
proximity, social identity, creativity, gender and the creative person and his
sensitivity towards society, struggle, reality and wishes, the desired,
performance and creation. The discussion delved also into subjects like the
characteristics of the Arabic creativity and the Arabic creative person
especially when he faces the challenges and the contemporary realities of life
and the creative scene.
In this
story atmosphere some of the stories read in this discussion forum for Dr.
Shalan were: “The tale of the tale, the
tale wanted to run away from loitering, to go to eternity, It tried to reside
in heaven, so it became God, angels and prayers, then it got bored with that.
When it desired the sin, it went to the flesh and lust but it was exhausted
from the game of hunger and satisfaction which can’t be quenched. It befriended
the hearts, but it got burned from longing. It chased the mind but the logic
made it very tired. It befriended power, money and fame but happiness let her
down. It became a hermit in the mountains but the lust of her big dream for
eternity defeated it. It revolted against itself and joined the ranks of the
revolutionaries everywhere. It became an ally of rejection wherever it stays in
the hearts of the noble people then it became the tale of all those looking for
justice. It wrote in it the stories of all those who devoted themselves for the
truth and the light. It forgot its former dream of eternity and her dream
became the desire to be the tale of those who stole its tale, and that’s what
I wish I
were one day an obedient or lucky women then I would have been talking to you
fluently in English, then I would have taken you now into the worlds of my
stories where madness, the possible, the impossible and the beautiful in an
adventurous language called the Arabic language.
But I was
always a rebel and a great looser, now I pity myself because I am punishing
myself after so many years because I was a naughty student and not listening to
my good teacher.
Please let
me read one of my stories, please excuse me if I couldn’t master the English
language as I should, please listen with your hearts, because the story is made
from words coming from the heart, the name of the story is: ( ……)
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